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Gospel of Luke

August 27, 2017

There is a Door

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 13:22–30

August 20, 2017

Vast Humble Beginnings

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 13:18–21

June 25, 2017

Repentance Dissolves Slavery

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 13:10–17

June 18, 2017

Being Urgent About Losing God

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 13:1–9

June 11, 2017

Yes, Jesus Brings Division

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 12:49–59

June 4, 2017

Your Agenda for Your Final Day

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 12:35–48

May 21, 2017

Seeing Greed in my Mirror

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 12:22–34

May 14, 2017

How Greed Makes You Poor

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 12:13–21

May 7, 2017

The Curse of Fake Knowledge

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 12:1–12

April 30, 2017

Hard Religion from Hard Hearts

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:37–52

April 23, 2017

Blessed Knowing and Doing

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:24–36

April 9, 2017

The Kingdom has Come

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:14–23

April 2, 2017

Impossible Things Happen

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:5–13

March 19, 2017

Prayer Begs for Help

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

March 12, 2017

Prayer Requires Humility

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

March 5, 2017

Prayer Requires Asking

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

February 26, 2017

Prayer Requires Hoping

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

February 19, 2017

Prayer Requires Remembering

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

February 12, 2017

Prayer Requires Believing

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–4

February 5, 2017

Teach us to Pray

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 11:1–13

January 29, 2017

Unwinding Tight Christians

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 10:38–42

January 22, 2017

Compassion that Exposes Need

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 10:25–37

December 4, 2016

Purpose, Future, Relationship

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 10:16–24

November 27, 2016

Revealing Glory to Blind Eyes

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 10:1–24

November 13, 2016

Is Jesus Enough for You?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:57–62

November 6, 2016

A Crossless Christ?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:46–48

October 30, 2016

Glorious Ordinary Days

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:37–43

October 16, 2016

A Glimpse of Coming Glory

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:28–36

October 9, 2016

Christians on a Road to Death

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:23–27

October 2, 2016

Christ's Glory through Shame

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:21

September 25, 2016

Who is this Man?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:18–20

September 18, 2016

Bread in Jesus' Hands

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:10–17

September 11, 2016

Working at Jesus Seeing

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 9:1–9

September 4, 2016

Jesus vs Sickness and Death

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:40–56

August 28, 2016

Glorious Man of the Gospel

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:26–39

August 21, 2016

How Do You Excuse Your Disobedience?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:22–25

December 6, 2015

Listening to Hear

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:4–21

November 29, 2015

Delightful Dangerous Words

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:1–15

November 8, 2015

Beautiful Daughters of Wisdom

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 8:1–3

November 1, 2015

Invisible Deadly Sin

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:36–50

October 25, 2015

Forgiven Much, Loving Much

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:36–50

October 11, 2015

Is Unbelief Innocent?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:29–5

October 4, 2015

Privileged Prisoners

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:24–28

September 27, 2015

Is it Safe to Doubt?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:18–35

September 20, 2015

The Deathstopper

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:11–17

August 23, 2015

Faith Outlasts the Universe

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 6:1– 7:50, 1 Peter 1:7–9

August 16, 2015

Do You Deserve God's Mercy?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Topic: Default Scripture: Luke 7:1–10

August 9, 2015

Functional Faith

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:46–49

August 2, 2015

Mercy Makes You Beautiful

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:39–45

July 19, 2015

O God, I Need to be Merciful

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:36–38

July 5, 2015

Having Jesus Forever

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:27–36

June 28, 2015

Dreaming of Wealth Unspeakable

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:20–26

June 21, 2015

Jesus' Shocking Sermon

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:17–49

June 14, 2015

Twelve Ordinary Men

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:12–16

June 7, 2015

God's Nobodies

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:12–16

May 31, 2015

Qualified Apostles Today?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:12–16

May 24, 2015

So You're an Apostle?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:12–16

May 17, 2015

Religious Wrecks

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 6:1–11

May 10, 2015

Starving for Jesus

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 5:33–39

May 3, 2015

Suffocating in Religious Camouflage

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 5:33–39

March 22, 2015

The Solution to All Problems

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 5:1–11

March 15, 2015

A Sermon or a Miracle for You?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:42–44

March 8, 2015

Jesus vs Modern Healers

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:38–41

March 1, 2015

The Carpenter Demons Dread

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:31–37

February 22, 2015

Does Jesus Make You Angry?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:16–30

February 15, 2015

Wealthy Benefactor in Poverty

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:13– 13:44

February 8, 2015

All is Nothing Without God

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:1–13

February 1, 2015

Resisting Devilish Lies

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke

January 25, 2015

Temptation - Slave to Sin

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:1–13

January 18, 2015

Temptation - The Epic Struggle

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 4:1–13

January 11, 2015

Life in a List of Names

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:23–38

November 30, 2014

Oh How I Love My Son - God

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:21–22

November 30, 2014

Standing out for not Standing Out

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:21–22

November 16, 2014

Head on a Plate; Now What?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:18–20

November 9, 2014

Good News of Coming Fire

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:15–20

November 2, 2014

Brave Hopeful Words of God

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:7–14

October 26, 2014

John on God's Long-Term Plan

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:3–6

October 19, 2014

What's Behind the Curtain?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 3:1–3

October 5, 2014

Humble God Asking Questions

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:41–52

September 28, 2014

All-Powerful Weakness

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:42–52

September 21, 2014

Going Wrong with Jesus

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:39–52

September 14, 2014

Seeing the Real Jesus

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:22–38

September 7, 2014

Bearded Men Seek Baby God

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:15–21

August 31, 2014

Jesus: Beautiful Saviour

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:11

August 24, 2014

Jesus, Glorious Inconvenience

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:8–21

August 17, 2014

Jesus, Ordinary Extraordinaire

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 2:1–7

September 15, 2013

Magnificent Reflection

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:46–56

September 8, 2013

Blessed for Believing

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:39–45

September 1, 2013

Unique Saviour, Unique Task

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:30–38

August 25, 2013

Significant Christ for Sin

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:30–33

August 18, 2013

Sweet Voice of an Angel

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:26–38

August 11, 2013

Big John

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:13–17

July 21, 2013

Speechless Moment of Lifetime

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:5–25

July 14, 2013

Christ in the Old Testament

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:1–4

July 7, 2013

Who Wrote this Book?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:1–4

June 30, 2013

Who is Luke Anyway?

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:1–4

June 23, 2013

Being Sure You're Safe

Speaker: Joshua Mack Series: Gospel of Luke Scripture: Luke 1:1–4