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Archives for November 2019

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Faith and Favoritism Do Not Mix - Part 1

My Post (3)

Ever had a rude awakening? I have nine children, so I have had plenty. Honestly, probably more of them, have been cute awakenings, actually. Like the time, I awoke to my two year old daughter singing, I may never march in the infantry, ride in the Calvary, shoot the artillery, but I am in the Lord's army. A rude, cute, awakenening. And, you know, even though I wasn't i...

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On Worldliness - Part 3


Is your religion real? In James 1:26 and 27, we are given three tests. 1.) The way we speak. 2.) The way we relate to the vulnerable. And, 3.) The way we relate to the world. Are we worldly? Over the past couple of posts we have been defining worldliness and thinking a little about why it is dangerous. Now, let's try to get specific. What are some specific ways we ...

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On Worldliness - Part 2


Worldliness is dangerous because it stains us. James says true religion is to 'keep oneself unstained by the world.' In other words, if you are not actively keeping yourself, you are going to be stained by the world. The reason you have to actively keep yourself unstained by the world is because the world is constantly seeking to press us into its mold.You hear a lot t...

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On Worldliness - Part 1


Are you worldly? That's an important question. After all, listen to James 1:27. "This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Fatherto keep oneself unstained by the world." Worldliness is a problem because the world wants to stain you and it's a problem you should be concerned about because as James explains worship that God accepts comes from people...

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